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What is an NFT?

An NFT (Non-Fungible Token) is a unique digital asset that represents ownership or proof of authenticity for a specific item, such as artwork, collectibles, music, videos, and more

What is an NFT?

An NFT (Non-Fungible Token) is a unique digital asset that represents ownership or proof of authenticity for a specific item, such as artwork, collectibles, music, videos, and more

How do I buy NFTs?

To buy NFTs, you can explore our Holio NFT marketplaces. Connect your Holio wallet, browse the available NFTs, and make a purchase using MATIC.

What cryptocurrencies can I use to buy NFTs?

The specific cryptocurrencies accepted for purchasing NFTs is Matic (Matic)and used for NFT transactions. We also support other cryptocurrencies like USDT.

How do I store my NFTs?

NFTs are stored in digital wallets that are compatible with the blockchain network on which the NFT was created. You can use wallets such as MetaMask, Trust Wallet, or other compatible wallets.

Can I sell my NFTs?

Yes, you can sell your NFTs on NFT marketplaces. Simply list your NFT for sale, set a price or choose to auction it, and wait for potential buyers to make an offer or purchase it.

Are there any fees associated with buying or selling NFTs?

Yes, there are fees involved in buying and selling NFTs. These fees can include gas fees for transactions on the blockchain network, platform fees, and potential royalties or commissions for the original creator of the NFT.

How can I verify the authenticity of an NFT?

The authenticity of an NFT is verified through the blockchain network on which it is created. The blockchain ensures transparent ownership records and immutability. Additionally, NFT marketplaces provide details about the creator and the history of the NFT, helping to establish its authenticity.

Can I transfer or gift my NFT to someone else?

Yes, NFTs can be transferred or gifted to other individuals. The transfer process typically involves initiating a transaction on the blockchain network, specifying the recipient’s wallet address, and confirming the transfer.

Are NFTs environmentally friendly?

The environmental impact of NFTs has been a topic of discussion. Some blockchain networks, like Ethereum, currently rely on a Proof-of-Work consensus mechanism that consumes significant energy. However, efforts are being made to transition to more energy-efficient methods like Proof-of-Stake to mitigate the environmental concerns.

Can I resell my NFTs and potentially make a profit?

Yes, you can resell your NFTs. If the value of the NFT increases over time or if there is demand from other collectors, you may be able to make a profit by selling it for a higher price than your original purchase.

Are NFTs only used for digital assets, or can they represent physical items as well?

NFTs are primarily used for digital assets; however, there are platforms exploring the concept of representing physical items through tokenization. These platforms may integrate mechanisms like verification of ownership or proof of authenticity for physical assets linked to an NFT.

Can I create my own NFTs, and what are the requirements for minting them?

Yes, you can create your own NFTs. Generally, you will need a digital wallet, the digital asset you want to tokenize, and relevant information like title, description, and potentially metadata such as artist details.

Are there any restrictions on who can buy or sell NFTs?

There are some restrictions, such as age restrictions and compliance with local regulations. Check the terms and conditions of the platform to know more.

How do I know if the NFT I want to buy is not a copy or counterfeit?

Authenticity is established through the blockchain technology underlying NFTs. Each NFT has a unique identifier and ownership record stored on the blockchain, making it difficult to counterfeit. Additionally, marketplaces conduct due diligence and provide information about the creator and history of the NFT to ensure transparency.

Can I display or showcase my NFT collection in virtual galleries or exhibitions?

Yes, many platforms and virtual reality spaces offer opportunities to display and showcase NFT collections. Virtual galleries or exhibitions provide a digital environment where collectors can exhibit their NFTs and share their collections with others.

Are there any legal implications or copyright considerations when buying or selling NFTs?

Copyright and legal implications vary by jurisdiction and depend on the nature of the asset being tokenized. It’s crucial to understand the intellectual property rights associated with the digital asset you intend to tokenize or purchase. Consultation with legal professionals can help ensure compliance with relevant laws and regulations.

What Are the NFT Transaction Fees?

Transaction fees may apply when you trade, deposit, withdraw, create, list, and burn NFTs on Holio. These transaction fees are calculated based on various factors, which include market conditions and network status.

1.Platform Fee

When you sell an NFT on Holio, a flat 1.5% platform service fee on the sale price will be incurred.

2.Listing Fee

There are no fees for listing NFTs on Holio.

3.Royalty Fee

Every time an NFT is sold on Holio, a percentage of the sale price (royalty fee) is paid to compensate the original NFT creator. Sellers need to pay a royalty fee (0-10%) to the creator, as determined by the royalty fee set by the NFT collection creator. The royalty fee can be viewed on each NFT’s detail page.

For NFTs minted on Holio, the same royalty fee applies to all NFTs within the collection. It is important to note that the royalty fee amount can only be set during the NFT creation process.

For the initial sale of an Unverified NFT (i.e., the first time a newly minted Unverified NFT is sold by the creator to a buyer) on Holio, creators are restricted from withdrawing the transaction proceeds from the sale for ten days.

After the Unverified NFT (minted on the Holio NFT Marketplace) has undergone a 10-day clearing period, and if the sold asset does not indicate a potential violation of Holio’s NFT Minting Rules and Terms of Service, the creator will be able to use or withdraw the proceeds. Please note that the duration of this clearing period may be subject to adjustment in the future.

Deposit Fee

Depositing an NFT to the Holio NFT Marketplace will incur a gas fee. This fee is not paid to Holio; instead, it goes to the miners or validators responsible for processing the transactions and securing the respective blockchain network. It’s worth noting that gas prices can fluctuate based on network traffic. For more information on how gas fees work, you can refer to relevant resources.

Withdrawal Fee

To transfer an NFT from Holio to other marketplaces, you must first withdraw it from the Holio NFT Marketplace to your wallet. It is essential to ensure that you have connected your wallet to Holio.

Withdrawals to crypto addresses outside of Holio NFT typically incur a transaction fee or network fee. This fee is paid to miners or validators responsible for processing the transactions and securing the respective blockchain network, and not to Holio.

Withdrawal fees on Holio are dynamic and automatically adjusted based on the network status of the corresponding blockchain (e.g., BSC or ETH) in which the NFT asset is stored. Please be aware that withdrawal fees can fluctuate without prior notice due to factors such as network congestion. To obtain the actual withdrawal fee required, kindly refer to the withdrawal confirmation page.

Burning Fee

Burning an NFT (permanently deleting it) typically incurs a transaction fee or network fee. This fee is paid to miners or validators responsible for processing the transactions and securing the respective blockchain network, and not to Holio.

Burning fees on Holio are dynamic and automatically adjusted based on the network status of the corresponding blockchain (e.g., BSC or ETH) in which the NFT asset is stored.