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There are multiple ways to purchase NFTs on the Marketplace:
Fixed Price: Simply click the “Buy Now button on the product page and proceed with the transaction. Once the purchase is successfully completed, we will transfer the NFT to your wallet, and the seller will receive the corresponding funds.
Auction: If the NFT is listed for auction, you can participate by clicking Make an Offer. Enter your desired bid price and confirm your offer. In the event that someone places a higher bid, your funds will be released, allowing you to place a new bid and continue participating in the auction.
Make an Offer: On fixed-price NFTs and Mystery Boxes, you have the option to make offers directly to the seller. Click Make Offer to initiate the process. Specify the asset, price, and expiry date for your offer, and submit it to the seller for consideration.
Yes, we marketplaces allow users to sell their own NFTs on the platform. You can list and sell your NFTs in few ways.
Auction: Your NFT will be auctioned and sold to the highest bidder. Set the minimum bid amount for your sale, a buy-out price, the minimum markup percentage, and the date and time for your listing.
Accept an Offer: You can accept offers from buyers on fixed-price NFTs and Mystery Boxes. When a buyer makes an offer on your NFT , you will receive a notification in email.
An NFT marketplace is an online platform where users can buy, sell, and trade non-fungible tokens (NFTs). NFTs are unique digital assets that are stored on a blockchain and are used to represent anything from digital art to virtual real estate. NFT marketplaces work similarly to other online marketplaces like eBay or Amazon, where buyers and sellers can interact and transact with each other.